It's weird. Have you ever noticed when you just purchase an item or start on a new project, that for some reason or another, you start tuning into it? I mean everywhere! It's as if there's a magnet in your brain that just attracts information! I wish that worked for everything in my life, then I'd know exactly what to focus in on and bring it! Maybe, that's what the Secret is all about. I say this because lately, I've been noticing a lot more Burger talk than ever before! Everywhere! In private conversations. On advertisements. Radio. TV. Print. And yes, even on the Internet! Maybe it's because Summer is here and Burgers seem to be the Go-To(preferred) Meal of choice, for the season. The Burger Chatter is definitely amp'd up! This new found magnetic knowledge has bolstered and strengthened my resolve in this Quest! Sometimes we are called upon to participate in a mission that is bigger than ourselves. This is such a mission. Doctor's, Lawyers, Burger Reviewers, whose to say which is the most important? All I know is I'm in this for the long haul. Will I gain a few pounds in the process - probably. But, I knew that going in. I'm taking one for the team!
Perhaps at the end of my journey this can be said about me, because like Ghandi, I'm on a Quest that is bigger than me. The Quote:
"Generations to come will scarce believe that such a one as this ever in flesh and blood walked upon this earth."
Pretty appropriate, huh?
Again, I digress. During the Summertime Burgers are done at all sorts of places - the Beach, The Park, The Backyard, Terraces, Patios etc. The occasional one might be quite good but rarer still - even Exceptional. If I found an outstanding Burger at any of these places - I wouldn't be able to report on it. Just because it couldn't be duplicated - I would have to scratch it off as a One-Off occurrence. Because of that, I'll limit my findings to places that are accessible and within reach of most people.
The next Burger Review is of... Drum Roll Please...
Mr Mike's.